What Exactly Is A Hammertoe?

What Exactly Is A Hammertoe?

While your feet are exquisitely engineered to move you about from place to place and totolerate the enormous forces of daily life, there is only so much stress they can take. Infact, statistics indicate that 75% of the population in the United States will experience...
How Flip-Flops Can Cause ProblemsFor Your Feet

How Flip-Flops Can Cause ProblemsFor Your Feet

One of the many signs of warm weather for adults and children alike is slipping on a pair offlip-flops and heading outside to enjoy a day in the sun. Always fashionable and relativelyinexpensive, flip-flops are a footwear favorite for walking about on summer days....
Taking A Look At Toenail Fungus

Taking A Look At Toenail Fungus

Just take a moment to think about your feet and all of the hard work and stress they endureon a daily basis. The truth is that many of us take them for granted and don’t give them thecare and attention they deserve until an uncomfortable or unsightly problem...
What You Need To Know About FootOrthotics

What You Need To Know About FootOrthotics

Did you know that the average person walks 5,000 to 7,000 steps a day? Over the courseof a lifetime that translates to 100,000 miles, or between three to four times the earth’scircumference. Certainly, that is a lot to ask of our feet. It is no wonder then with...
What Are Flat Feet?

What Are Flat Feet?

Did you know that each of your feet is made up of 26 bones, held together by over 33 joints,and contain over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments? Each step that you take involvesall of these parts functioning in perfect harmony. This is why even the smallest injury...